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Moo Marketing Social Media

Done for you content for busy Moo Music Licensees

Do you regularly feel overwhelmed with trying to write new social media posts that drive sales? Perhaps you're posting daily but don't think it's hitting the mark. Or maybe you're also a busy mum and simply don't have the time to sit down and think about what to post for the month ahead or just plain forget? Then this membership is for you.

As a small business owner, there simply aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do to keep your business running as well as raising a family and having a life! It can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if tech and marketing doesn't come naturally to you.

This is where I come in. I take the hard work out of it by planning and drafting consistent and considered social content for you, saving you time whilst helping you boost visibility, drive engagement to help fill your classes.

Moo Music social media posts

What's included?

As part of your bundle, you get a monthly 'At a Glance' plan showing the upcoming headlines for each post, relevant upcoming awareness days, prompts for personal posts (some stuff I just can't write for you, but I can inspire you!), and reminders for priority booking and term dates.

For the month ahead, you'll receive a bundle of pre-written social media posts with placeholders for personalisation (3-4 per week), along with Moo branded imagery sized in square, 4:5 portrait and story for use on Facebook and Instagram. 

Members also have access to tutorial videos to help you move your marketing forwards, and you'll have access to a supportive community of likeminded business owners in our dedicated Facebook Group.

Saving you time

With all this pre-made content at your finger tips, you can schedule and automate your posts in advance (this is known as 'batching'), so you can relax, take a break or plug the gaps with your own offers. 

Drop me a message to discuss if this membership is right for you, or follow the link and sign up today!

Karen x

Choose a pricing plan

One-off payment for 12 months access (save 10%)

Monthly Membership includes
Access to all content, tutorial videos and community group.

Monthly membership

per month
Monthly Membership includes
Access to all content, tutorial videos and community group.

Monthly membership - PLUS account review

per month
First payment of £52
Monthly Membership includes
Access to all content, tutorial videos and community group.

Account Review
A pre-recorded, personalised review and tips to improve your bio/profile, and critque of your recent posts on your Instagram and Facebook accounts (maximum of 1 business page per platform).

First payment is £52 then start your monthly subscription of £29 p/m the following month.

Monthly membership - PLUS account review PLUS deep dive call

per month
First payment of £120
Monthly Membership includes
Access to all content, tutorial videos and community group.

Account Review
A pre-recorded, personalised review and tips to improve your bio/profile, and critque of your recent posts on your Instagram and Facebook accounts (maximum of 1 business page per platform).

Deep Dive Call
After you receive your account review video, we'll book in a 30 min deep dive video call to discuss your social media or marketing strategy, or troubleshoot any issues your experiencing.

First payment is £120 then start your monthly subscription of £29 p/m the following month.